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Speak at the emPower breakfast

There are two options for speaking at an emPower Breakfast event:

Featured Speaker 3-Minute Speaker

Being a featured speaker provides the business or individual time to shine for 20 minutes.  You want to follow similar guidelines as a 3-minute speaker.  You need to make sure you provide good information that is relevant to most attendees on a topic that you are a thought leader on. Here you can bring a presentation and use the A/V system.

NOTE: Filling out the form is your application to be a speaker. We will contact you about your interest.


3-Minute Speaker

Each month, there are opportunities to tell the group a little more about yourself by doing a 3-minute presentation on you and your business.

This is more than just an elevator speech – it’s an opportunity to share more information about who you are, what you do, and how you can help any of the people attending the Omaha emPower Breakfast.

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What Our Sponsors Say About Us

I have been a sponsor of the Omaha EmPower Breakfast for many years. The event provides constant visibility for my company and I have built powerful relationships with innumerable  people through the years. I enjoy being an EmCee and encourage every business owner to take advantage of the sponsor opportunity!
Blake Martin
Owner, FranNet Omaha
Balke martin Headshot


Making the most of your time

Making the Most of your time


If you intend to speak, let me give you some hints.

Plan ahead of time what you want to say.

Time yourself, you will be asked to stop at 3 minutes, you can take less, but not more.

Carry on a conversation with the group as if you were sitting across a table from them.

Tell them about you, your service or product, how your service or product will impact them.

Then recruit them all to aid your business, by telling them whom to be on the look-out for, on your behalf.

(It is often not about the people that are present, but about who they know and interact with).

As a 3-minute speaker, you will not have access to audio/visual; we would like you to use the microphone in the room.

You are able to bring hand-out materials, you may either pass them out, or place them on the tables. 

You can use ‘hold-up’ visual aids.

You are encouraged to bring door prizes.



I am pleased that you will be speaking at the Sarpy County Empower Breakfast.

If you haven’t already, please send me your personal bio, professional headshot, and short summary of your speaking topic.  I would like to have these three items as soon as possible.

Tell people who follow you, your clients, your prospects, your associates, your friends, and acquaintances to come check out the Omaha Empowerment Breakfast and to hear you speak.

Here are some instructions and recommendations for you to follow:

Audio/Visual is available.  A computer is already configured to connect to the screen (it shows Sponsor information during the event). I prefer that you bring your presentation on a thumb drive, rather than expecting to exchange a computer (it distracts from your time, and people get distracted). By bringing your presentation on a USB  (thumb) drive, the main system is also connected to our sound system, if sound if it is needed.

We have a sound system with a microphone. It is on a microphone stand and it has a long cord. You may either use it in the stand, or you can hold it and move around while you are talking. There is plenty of slack in the cord. There is no podium.

The environment is in informal.  You will be introduced by the Master of Ceremonies. As you make your way to the microphone there will be applause.  You will be introduced at about 7:50 to 7:55 am.  You will have the floor and the attention of the room from 7:55 to approximately 8:15.  You are welcome to open it for questions after your presentation, please wrap up about 8:20 am.  Then you stay present, as you pull business cards from the jar, for door prizes (yes, you are welcome to participate also). 

We ask that you not breach the subject of politics.  You may express your faith, please do not proselytize.  And do not sell from the podium.

We ask that your presentation informs or educates, and that your message will benefit all present. 

I encourage you to bring some door prizes.  They can be books, or anything.   

If you wish to offer books for sale after the event, we will announce that you will be manning a table for that purpose.  You keep whatever you make from your sales.  (We appreciate books donated for door prizes.)       

The doors open at 6:40 am, you are welcome to come early and network before we start at 7:00 am.  Be sure to get yourself some breakfast (your breakfast is on me).  We tell everyone that they can stay until 9 am to network also.  Please check in with the Master of Ceremonies to see how you will be introduced (usually what is on the website.)  If you wish a different intro read, bring one along.

We have a public relations person who will want to get a video of you after the event.  They will provide the video to you, as well as putting it on the Omaha Empowerment Breakfast channel.  If you have a chance before your event, check out the link on our website for YouTube. 

Marketing Basics

Quickly and efficiently build the materials you need to support your inbound marketing strategy. Drag and drop building blocks including testimonials, forms, calls-to-action, and more.

The 30-Second Elevator Speech

You might want to base your THREE Minute talk on the Five Point foundation of the 30-second elevator speech:

  1. I AM – Say Your Name and Business Name
  2. I DO – Say your Job Title
  3. I HELP – Tell us how you help people and businesses with the job title.  Tell about SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS.
  4. I WANT – Be Specific in asking for leads or new business opportunities.
  5. I AM – Repeat your name and business name.

The 30-second elevator speech will help you craft a great networking speech once someone asks you, “What do you do?” The Goal of your your Three Minutes and your 30=second elevator speech should be “To Start a Conversation.”

Interested in being a sponsor?